Mining quickstart wizard

RAMChannel200 kH/s .. 400 kH/s
NVMe PCI-EDevice50 kH/s .. 100 kH/s
OptaneDevice40 kH/s
SATA SSDDevice30 kH/s
SATA HDDDevice0.3 kH/s


udev rule to set the io scheduler to 'noop' for non-rotational disks

$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/60-ssd-scheduler.rules
ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="sd[a-z]", ATTR{queue/rotational}=="0", ATTR{queue/scheduler}="noop"

This stops the system from trying to figure out how to give data to the SATA controller, it just does. I do not recommend setting the system-global elevator default as a kernel parametre via boot loader configuration as that'd set all disks to that - scheduling tricks make actual sense for spinny disks.

It is likely you'll hit the limits of your SATA controller before you saturate any memory channel on your CPU as the controllers on motherboards are mostly legacy trivialities aimed at spinny disks.

Last updated on 2019-04-17

It'll snow for a long time, sit back, relax and watch the glacier grow.
